This blog post is the fourth in a series of articles discussing the current state of the law in New York regarding medical marijuana. To read the latest post in the series, Medical Marijuana 103: Patient and Practitioner Regulations in New York State, click here.
It will come as no surprise that patients who are thinking about getting certified for medical marijuana use have a number of questions relating to the cost of obtaining medical marijuana products.
Prices for medical marijuana products vary amongst the various registered organizations. In order to determine how much to charge for its products registered organizations must first submit to the NYS Department of Health (“DOH”) their costs to manufacture, market and distribute the products. The DOH then determines the reasonableness of the registered organization’s proposed prices and, if appropriate, approves them as the maximum price per dose each registered organization may charge.
The prices approved by the DOH remain in effect for the entire period of the registered organization’s registration, however registered organizations may charge less than the approved prices if they wish. Registered organizations may also request a price modification from the DOH either at the conclusion of the first year of their registration period or beforehand based on documented exceptional circumstances.
Health insurers doing business in New York State do not provide coverage on account of an insured’s purchase of medical marijuana products. The main reason for this restriction is that medical marijuana is still a banned substance at the federal level and therefore medical marijuana is not an FDA-approved prescription medication. The Compassionate Care Act does not provide for a discounted medical marijuana pricing program for certified patients who are unable to afford medical marijuana products. As stated above, however, registered organizations may price their products for amounts less than those approved by the DOH so in some cases registered organizations may offer reduced prices to qualifying certified patients.
After the Medical Marijuana Program launched there was much debate as to whether health insurers are required to provide coverage on account of office visits that result in a patient becoming certified for medical marijuana use. On April 12, 2017, the New York State Department of Financial Services issued a statement to clarify the situations in which health insurers must provide coverage for office visits that result in medical marijuana certification.
The guidance starts with a reminder that under New York Public Health Law Section 3362(1) “[t]he possession, acquisition, use, delivery, transfer, transportation, or administration of medical marijuana by a certified patient or designated caregiver possessing a valid registry identification card, for certified medical use” is lawful subject to certain restrictions and conditions.
The Department’s statement then provides that if office visits are covered under the insurance policy or contract, and the insured receives services during an office visit that are covered under the insurance policy or contract, the issuer may not deny coverage for the office visit solely on the basis that the visit also resulted in the insured receiving a medical marijuana certification. In other words, insurers must provide coverage for office visits, even if they result in medical marijuana certification for the patient. There is an exception to this general rule, however, Coverage is not required for office visits undertaken solely to obtain a medical marijuana certification.
In our next post we’re going to continue our review of important parties that play a role in the medical marijuana industry by focusing on the workplace and the rights that employers and employees have when it comes to medical marijuana use. To be sure not to miss the article when it comes out we invite you to subscribe to the Farrell Fritz New York Health Law Blog.